The Art of “Relevant” Stalker Marketing

Learn How to Narrow Your Focus and Stay Relevant

That is so creepy.

If I had a dollar for every time I’ve heard this phrase when I explain to people what I do for a living, I’d be sitting on my own private beach right now.

Other phrases I hear on a regular basis include:

Oh, I hate those ads.

You mean those pop-up things? Those are so annoying.

I get ads all the time for things I don’t care about.

And yet, the soaring rate at which consumers are interacting with digital ads and then making a purchase (or booking a service, or signing up for a newsletter, etc.) is undeniable. Just since last year, new data has been released saying that the probability of consumers converting because of some form of digital remarketing is 70%. (Source) If social media is a part of your digital strategy, you can expect to see a 129% higher conversion rate for your campaign. (Source) Even personalized email marketing campaigns can boost conversion rates by more than 10%. (Source)

It’s an interesting conundrum in the digital marketing space. How is it that so many consumers have negative associations with digital advertising, while conversion rates for these same disliked methods continue to rise? What we’re finding is that it all comes down to one thing – relevancy. It’s not that consumers don’t want digital ads; they just want advertisements seemingly catered only to them. In fact, 77% of consumers agree with the statement, “I wish there were a way to ad-filter instead of ad-block completely.”

The proof is in the pudding – consumers don’t hate digital advertising, even though they may say otherwise. They simply want ads that reflect their wants, needs, and lifestyle. And really, isn’t that what consumers have wanted for decades with traditional marketing? At the end of the day, an effective ad campaign, digital or otherwise, strives to solve a problem or fulfill a need for consumers. And yet, in digital marketing specifically, so many seem to lose sight of that with all the shiny new technology available to us.

So how do we, as marketers and business owners, overcome the ever-persistent problem of standing out against all that digital noise, while still being subtle and relevant enough to satisfy consumers, rather than turn them off?

Below are four rules of thumb that everyone should keep top-of-mind when delving into the digital advertising space.

Narrow your focus…
As I mentioned above, many clients lose sight of their target audience when they learn of the digital tools available to them. Trust me, we understand being excited about new technology – it’s what we live for. But blasting your message to the world through all available digital channels isn’t going to accomplish your purpose. One of the great benefits of digital is the ability to pinpoint your audience on a more finite scale than traditional marketing. Focus on channels that are relevant to your audience, rather than trying to utilize every digital medium available.

…But don’t think too narrow
That being said, don’t pigeonhole yourself into such a specific audience that you miss out on other opportunities. You may have ten years’ worth of statistics about who your target demographic is, but chances are, you’ve been missing out on other potential converters who may not fit the mold. Another huge advantage to digital is the amount of data available. Examine trends carefully to find niches you may not have targeted yet.

Utilize effective messaging
So many companies get stuck in the conventional mindset of only using one message. Of course – that’s what you’re used to. In the days of expensive traditional advertising, you had to pick one single message that you hoped would be effective. But no more in the digital age. You can have messaging that’s tailored to each consumer set you’re targeting, whether based on interest, location, age, or all of the above. Make sure you leverage this powerful tool.

Channel is key
I touched on it earlier, but I’ll elaborate now – you can have the most personalized ads in the world and still have an ineffective digital campaign because you chose the wrong ad delivery medium. If you run a paid search campaign to target a consumer set consisting of heavy social media users, you’re likely missing out on a majority of those consumers. Sure, they may see your paid search ads, but they won’t click because that isn’t the avenue that speaks to them. Take the time to think about your consumers and where they are in the digital space. What do their browsing patterns look like? How are they interacting with other types of digital advertising? What turns them off? Who and what influences them?

At the end of the day, we get it – digital advertising can be a tricky one to figure out. That’s where iFocus jumps in to help. Hiring an expert in the digital space is probably the best thing you can do for your marketing efforts in this day and age. But when you do decide to take that next step, keeping these key points in mind will not only empower you as a decision maker, but it’ll make for a smooth, effective partnership – which, at the end of the day, means more relevant and cost-effective digital strategies for you.

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