Avoid Holiday Marketing Horrors

Holiday Marketing Horrors

Prepare Your Company’s Marketing Campaign for The Holiday Season

Christmas is the biggest shopping season of the year, in stores and online. And it’s the most important time for businesses to make sales. According to Ad Roll, some companies can account for 30% of their annual sales in that heavy four-week period between mid-November to mid-December. It’s safe to say that digital advertising and marketing play a huge factor in helping businesses draw in customers. Therefore, you better be making an awesome Christmas digital marketing campaign to attract those potential customers.

Before you advertise your website in a marketing campaign – make sure it is ready! The holidays bring a whole new group of users who don’t typically shop online, so it’s important to be very transparent in what you are offering. Simple things like putting offers on your website is a good opportunity to get more clicks.

Most of you have already set up your holiday ads, and if you haven’t – well then get on it! If you’re advertising on Facebook, don’t stick with the same creative ad, ad copy and call-to-action. Change it up a bit. You can subtly change the copy and color schemes and still keep it fresh. If you’re running a 4-week ad for the holidays, you should be changing it up at least a couple of times, so engagers don’t get bored of it.

Set yourself up for success and set an example for other holiday campaigns, instead of being noticed for things NOT to do. Contact iFocus Marketing in Overland Park for a digital marketing quote today!

Source: http://www.thedrum.com/news/2017/08/15/how-can-marketers-avoid-christmas-campaign-horrors

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