“Why does my business need social media?” they asked.

There are many benefits to social media marketing. If your business doesn’t have a Facebook page now a days, users will turn away! It’s the easiest way to learn and contact a business you are interested in – whether it be your favorite restaurant, clothing store, or potential job! Here are the top 4 benefits to social media marketing:


Say what? Your brand can use social media to increase brand awareness and recognition? Yes! It is important to increase the awareness of your product or services that you offer. According to estimates, the number of worldwide social media users reached 1.96 billion and is expected to grow to some 2.5 billion by 2018.

develop your brand's voice

The tone and overall feel of your brand can be magnified with an attractive design, valuable content, and a tone that reflects your brand. By doing so, you help create a better customer experience for current and potential clients.

increase website traffic

By increasing your website traffic, you are likely to increase your sales! Social media is a great way to help deliver relevant traffic to your website. Build a strong social media presence and in return you’ll get more traffic to your website. Boom!
Recognize Your Target Audience

You may not know what your target audience is when thinking about a social media plan for your business, but by reviewing your business goals and objectives that may help you recognize who you want to reach. Because social media is so rich in data, you can analyze your competitors, and target different segments to find your right target audience, AND if you have a great reporting tool – you are able to dive into the data to see what’s working and what’s not.

If you keep these key top benefits of social media marketing in mind when coming up with your social marketing plan, you can take your social presence to the next level and make conversions before you know it!

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