Twitter Officially Enables 280-Character Limit


Have you ever crafted the perfect tweet? It was relevant, relatable, catchy, and… more than 140 characters.

Your options now are:
A. Forget your masterpiece.
B. Decide which grammatical crime you’re going to commit.
C. Wait – There’s a third option?!

Yes – there is! Twitter began testing a doubled character count this past September in hopes to increase user growth and ad business. Believe it or not, only 5% of tweets exceeded 140 characters according to Marketing Land. Personally, I’m a little surprised by that low percentage because I never seem to have enough characters to spit out what I’d like to say. Thankfully, for the long-winded Tweeters like me, Twitter has officially decided to double its character count to a 280 limit for ALL accounts and brands!

What does this mean for YOUR business?

Your organic tweets will no longer need to be forgotten or edited with the extended character limit – making content creation considerably less burdensome. Unfortunately, the new length does not apply to ads created through Twitter’s self-serve platform (yet!) but you will be able to post 280-character-long organic tweets and run those as Promoted Tweets.

Now go login and enjoy tweeting whatever your heart desires – within 280-characters!


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