How to Increase Instagram Engagement (While Maintaining Tact)

Let’s be real. We all want more Instagram comments! Not only is increased engagement a sign that your social content is performing well, but it also gives you a chance to start a conversation with potential customers.

So how do we increase user interaction?

There’s a way to boost your Instagram engagement without coming across as tacky. Accompanying every post with, “Tag a friend!” or “Comment if…” doesn’t represent your brand well and comes off as desperate. And don’t even get me started on purchasing fake followers!

Follow these tips for increasing Instagram engagement, while remaining tactful:

Post Inspiring Content

The goal behind each of your posts is to inspire your followers! Posting content that’s relatable or that “tugs on the heartstrings” of users will increase the likelihood of engagement. If you’re looking for an increase in comments alone, a great strategy is asking for their thoughts, opinions, or even a memory relevant to the photo you’re sharing.

Choose Peak Posting Times

Instagram’s algorithm is no longer ordered chronologically, but that doesn’t mean you can ignore the time of day you’re posting. Uploading posts during peak times increases user engagement which in turn will keep your post towards the top of your followers’ feeds – resulting in both immediate and long-term benefits.

Finding your business’ peak times to post requires a bit of experimenting and taking your target audience into consideration. Consumers often spend more time on social media after work hours, for example, but that may not be true for your consumers. Monitor posts while changing up the times you’re posting until you find your peak.

Respond to Comments

Always respond to the comments you receive! Not only will this encourage users who receive a response to continue commenting, this tactic will also up the comment count and generate more discussion – which is the goal, right?

Run a Contest

Do you like winning free things? Your followers do, too! Run a contest that requires users to comment on your post to participate. This tactic is a great way to increase your following by requiring them to also follow your account. Don’t forget to make your contest visible with industry-relevant and contest-specific hashtags such as: #contest #giveaway #sweepstakes

Promote Your Posts

In addition to these free tactics, you can also promote your posts on Instagram. If you’re serious about increasing your following and engagement, promoting your posts is a surefire way to get the job done!

Remember: Don’t scare away users, and potential customers, by posting tacky copy or by begging for interaction. Focus on utilizing the mentioned strategies to regularly monitor and boost engagement. Soon enough, the comments and likes will soon be flooding in!


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