Get to Know Our Native Content Packages

illustration of a desktop computer, a tablet, and a smartphone, all with content boxes on the screens and one box that says, "ad"

For Small Business Search Engine Optimization, iFocus Has Marketing Strategies

In today’s world of increasing need for visibility on search engines, content remains one of the only consistent factors that digital marketers can agree on as a priority when it comes to search engine optimization (SEO).

Many small- and medium-sized businesses struggle with their SEO strategy and content creation thanks to a lack of time or resources, or both. Not only that, but if they don’t have time to create content, then they certainly don’t have time to perform regular technical updates to their site and build relationships to enhance their backlinking and native content marketing strategies.

These outreach efforts provide a wealth of value when acquired honestly and written strategically. Additionally, these tasks can provide positive public relations and additional social media content when negotiated placements are published on well-known and popular websites.

To help SMBs connect with their audiences, show up in search, and establish themselves as an authority, iFocus Marketing offers native content packages to help you reach your business goals. If you want the power of digital marketing on your side, keep reading! 

What is a backlink or native content article?

simple digital illustration of a laptop computer with the screen enlarged to show various sized content blocks with an orange ad block in the middleNative content refers to articles written on a website that contain links back to the client’s website. These links provide SEO value to a client when placed on high domain authority websites. Each piece of content can provide multiple links back to specific pages or products on a client’s website. 

At iFocus Marketing, these placements are brokered on behalf of the client and then written in-house by our copywriters, who are already familiar with the client’s goals and objectives. In PR strategies, this tactic is typically referred to as “native content advertising,” while we typically refer to this tactic as “backlinking.” It’s a major part of a comprehensive SEO strategy.  

What is the benefit of a native content marketing strategy?

In addition to the positive PR and additional social media link content, the value of strategic native content placements also include: 

  • Increased SEO value from high domain authority (40 or above) websites
  • Increase in brand lift through organic and direct traffic 
  • Brand website and link exposure on high-trust, high-authority websites 
  • Control of the content and context of articles written about your business on the internet, including control of primary keywords to include

How does iFocus acquire high-authority placements and publishers?

We understand the process and relationships it takes to drive strategic placements that provide value. Because of this, we don’t automate the outreach process, nor do we use AI or Bot systems. AI and bots have proven to provide mostly low-value authority placements and have shown to hurt overall SEO value by negatively affecting a client’s own website authority score. 

Our team reaches out to blogs, publications, or industry-trusted websites with high authority domains to broker placement of an article on their website. Once placement is negotiated, all content is written in-house with keywords and links appropriately placed for maximum user impact, as well as for SEO value. 

Our writers know your goals and how your brand should be perceived – a benefit you don’t get with AI. The article is then published with appropriate hyperlinks in place. We shoot for consistent placement, but there may be months where more articles are published than others. 

Why is it important to have a trusted writer develop this content?

illustration of a computer screen with content blocks and an ad block in the middleNative content strategies should be able to convey your brand’s message and portray your brand in an organic, non-intrusive way. This is incredibly challenging when trusting a third-party who has not taken the time to learn about your brand or be involved in your website or social media presence.

Our team focuses on creating relevant, engaging, and shareable content with organically-incorporated keywords. It is so closely incorporated into outside websites that the user can hardly tell they are looking at a branded message.

Native content should meet the following criteria:

  • Organically displayed on an external website
  • Designed to fit in with the natural flow of the publication
  • Curated for the target audience

Additionally, the writing style should also parallel the publication it is appearing on, adding an additional layer to this digital marketing strategy. This is perhaps the most important factor in creating quality native content; material that does not match the standards of the external website will stick out like a sore thumb. 

How many new articles can a client expect?

iFocus is proud to offer this strategic marketing service for small and medium businesses who are looking to enhance their current SEO efforts. We have two options currently based on your current backlink profile: either 15 articles per year or 30 articles per year. 

When you’re ready to take your small-business content strategy to the next level, the iFocus team is standing by. We’re ready to learn about you and your business. Let’s crush some goals together!

Send us a message to talk to one of our business development experts about how native content can help you build your brand.

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