Twitter and Facebook and YouTube, Oh My! (And Other Stuff, Too)

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Industry Focus for Friday, February 4, 2022

We openly brag about how much we obsess over data and love learning. That’s why twice a week, as a team, we discuss the latest digital marketing trends and work together to apply our knowledge to our work with our clients.

And to help keep you in the loop about what’s up, we’re sharing our favorite articles from the past week every Friday, in a special blog feature called Industry Focus.

This week, we talked about updates to social media platforms, a new concept called zero-party data, and just how big Google Ads has gotten.

“Is Zero-Party Data a Real Thing?” by Ryan Barwick in Marketing Brew

Zero-party data is a newer concept to the ‘Net. It’s information someone volunteers to share with a brand in exchange for something that improves their experiences or interactions with that brand. But is it really that different from first-party data?

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– Submitted by Joyce Wong, Traffic Coordinator

“Twitter Tests New ‘Articles’ Option, Potentially Enabling Long-Form Posts in the App,” by Andrew Hutchinson in Social Media Today

Twitter is working on a new option called “Articles,” which appears to provide users with a means to create blog posts that are perhaps shareable via tweet. How it works is unclear, but it could become an important new way for brands to share their stories.

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– Submitted by Stephen Rau, Web Developer

“Google Q4 Search Ad Revenue: $43.3 Billion,” by Danny Goodwin in Search Engine Land

Total Google advertising is up 32.5 percent, including Google Search, YouTube advertising, and Google Network. Compare this to Microsoft, who posted a much smaller search revenue number just last week. Brands and businesses are investing in paid search advertising on Google and getting a great ROI.

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– Submitted by Alex Mead, Paid Media Coordinator

“Facebook Ads in 2022: Big Changes Are Coming!” a YouTube video by Ben Heath

Trusted Facebook advertising expert Ben Heath shares his predictions for Facebook Ads this year, including information about cookies, a new attribution system, lookalikes, cost stabilization, and video ad creative. A digital marketing agency can help your Facebook ads keep up with the trends.

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– Submitted by Corrie Guthmiller, Senior Manager of Social Media

“21 YouTube SEO Tools to Boost Your Video Rankings,” by Aleh Barysevich in Content Marketing Institute

Yes, YouTube is a social media platform, but it also works like a traditional search engine. Optimizing your video content can improve your ranking so your audience can find you. Fortunately for you, many traditional SEO rules apply to YouTube! Follow these 21 tips to get in front of your audience.

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– Submitted by Jenifer Calandra, Senior Digital Copywriter and Team Lead

Who You Gonna Call? iFocus Marketing, an Overland Park Ad Agency

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