Social Media Marketing Best Practices in 2021

digital illustration of a pink smartphone with matching pink social media symbols and icons surrounding it

A Look at What’s Working in the World of Social Media Advertising

In this day and age, implementing a digital marketing strategy without a social media presence is like having a lock with no key! It’s no secret that social media can be an incredibly valuable tool for your business, especially in post-COVID times. However, it’s not always clear what customers really want from a business’ social media profile. 

Recent social media studies by Sprout Social gives insights into the state of social media, and consumer trends and expectations from a business’ online presence. Understanding what your customers actually want from your business on social media platforms gives you a competitive advantage over the competition. 

Step up your social media marketing game by giving your customers what they really want. Below, our digital marketing experts share a few tips to get you started.


The use of social media continues to rise year over year, and it’s not expected to slow down any time soon. This, combined with the rise of emerging platforms like TikTok, means it’s crucial to understand what drives your target audience. This will ultimately serve as the foundation for your social media strategy.

Users are on social media for a variety of reasons beyond just connecting with friends and family. Around one in three customers use social media to learn about or discover new products, services, or brands. In fact, 31% of customers have followed more brands and increased their interactions with those brands since this time last year. Your business’ social media content is the gateway for users to learn more about what your business provides. Inspiring your audience with educational and entertaining content keeps them coming back to your profile.

Great Service

a simple illustration of the text "47%" with a gradient circle around it, along with five stars and a comment bubble with a heart in itWe often get caught up in what to post or what hashtags to use and forget the main purpose of social media – connection! 47% of consumers think what makes a brand best on social media is customer service.

Users expect brands to use social media as their main communications channel to reach customers. Responding to messages, comments, and mentions when customers have praise or concerns shows you deeply care about their needs and value them as a customer. 

It also provides your business with useful insights into what your customers think about your brand. Through social insights, brands can analyze how customers interact with and feel about their products or services. Younger customers, like Millennials and Gen Z, often expect companies to read and analyze their posts to know them better based on their social media activity. Great service online gets rewarded with positive reviews and recommendations to friends and family.  


Just like users talk with friends and family online, they also want to talk with your business. 43% of customers say they’re more likely to buy from brands that demonstrate an understanding of what they want and need, and 86% of customers will choose to buy from a brand they follow on social media over a brand they’re unfamiliar with. 

A majority of consumers find it more engaging to connect with a brand or company on social media than to visit a physical store. Customers expect a personalized experience on social media based on their previous interactions and are more likely to buy after a positive interaction.

Products & Services

a simple illustration of what 91% looks like with male and female people icons, all of which are filled in with white except one, and the number "91%" typed above it in a nearly complete circle

Your social media marketing strategy assists customers through their buying journey (or, as we at iFocus call it, the marketing relay) online. 90% of customers buy from the brands they follow on social media. And now, with platform features like online shops and shoppable content, this makes advertising on social media easier than ever. Brands can stand out by creating educational content about their product or service and inform their audience on how and where to buy.

91% of customers visit a brand’s website or app when they follow them on social media platforms, and 86% are likely to visit a brand’s physical retail store. The majority of popular social media apps like Facebook Ads, Instagram, YouTube, Twitter, and even TikTok give businesses the ability to advertise on social media and expand brand awareness to a larger audience.

Social Media Marketing Advantage

a simple digital illustration of a statistical graph with the letters "roi" in front of itSocial media marketing has grown into an opportunity for businesses to reach their customers in the moment. With instant communication, businesses can engage with current customers to better understand their target audience. Social media marketing also provides a business with an opportunity to reach new customers along their buying journey.

Unfortunately, only 15% of marketers use social data to measure ROI, and social is still treated as a marketing-only resource. However, there are a lot of valuable insights to be taken from social media that are being ignored. Taking advantage of social insights sets you apart from your competitors and gives you a better understanding of what your customer needs, ultimately equipping you to make more informed business decisions.

iFocus Marketing: A Digital Marketing Agency That Knows About Social Media

Now that we’ve hit the highlights of what customers are looking for on social media, it’s time to put this newfound knowledge to good use! At iFocus Marketing, we specialize in social media marketing strategies that can enhance all of your digital advertising efforts. Whether you’re looking to start a new profile or need guidance on how to grow your following, we can help you use social media to benefit your business. Drop us a line today and let’s chat!

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