Business Owners’ Guide to Organic Social Media Metrics

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What KPIs to Look For When Working With a Social Media Marketing Agency

If you’re a business owner who is new to social media marketing, the learning curve can be steep. But that’s never stopped you from learning everything you need to know to stay ahead in your industry.
Your tenacity has helped your business grow up to this point, and you can continue to grow by understanding how to analyze the performance of your social media marketing services.
Of course, you should lean on your social media marketing company to provide the knowledge you’re looking for.

However, a truly exceptional agency, like iFocus Marketing, views our services as a dynamic partnership between your leadership and our expertise.

That’s why we encourage you to use this guide. We’ve provided a list of key performance indicators (KPIs) for social media that we discuss during our in-depth monthly reporting calls and regular meetings with our clients.

Keep this guide handy to help you feel more empowered, as iFocus Marketing uses our social media expertise to grow your business.

Social Media Marketing Metrics Every Business Owner Should Know

Whether you’re tracking metrics on your own, or you’re receiving an analysis from your social media marketing company, these terms are foundational to understanding how to measure success.

  • Post impressions: This metric refers to the number of times a social media post is displayed to a user. This key metric lets you know the maximum number of audience members who are currently being exposed to your brand and message on social media platforms.
  • Post engagement: When a user interacts with your post, they take their interest in your brand a step further. On Meta platforms, engagement comes in the forms of actions, such as likes, shares, comments, saves, clicks, following, tagging, reactions, and direct messages.
  • Content clicks: Engagement helps create brand awareness and a customer relationship with your online presence. However, you may wish for users to go further. Content clicks measure when users click on a link in your post..
  • New page likes: On Facebook, users can click the “like” button on your social media profile to demonstrate their interest or support for your business. This is yet another metric that lets you know who is likely more interested and engaged with your content.
  • New followers: A common metric among social media platforms, including Instagram and LinkedIn, your new followers count explains the rate at which you are gaining new audience members.
  • Total followers: The goal, of course, is to grow your followers, for a number of reasons. You get to learn who is your most dedicated audience and create marketing campaigns that meet their needs. Your total followers will likely vary month-over-month as followers leave or new ones join.
  • Post engagement rate: Your post engagement rate is the percentage of people you’ve reached who have engaged with your social media content.
  • Audience insights: Most platforms provide insights into the demographics of those who are engaging with your posts, including age, gender, location, industry, job title, and more.
  • Click-through-rate: Expressed as a percentage, you can find out what percentage of impressions lead to a content click.

What Social Media Marketing Metrics Matter the Most? Here Are Our Insights.

Each of these metrics provide you with an understanding of various ways that social media audiences are engaging with your business. However, using these metrics to maximize the value of your social media marketing services is another story.

Here are three simple examples of approaches we take for social media marketing services, based on specific metrics:

  1. If you are trying to sell a specific product to a specific audience, understanding the demographics that are engaging with your content will help you understand how effective you are at reaching that target audience on social media.
  2. You might decide to test out content on social media for other marketing initiatives. Tracking engagement might tell you what brand voice, story, and identity may be the most appealing.

Effective social media management demands constant analysis, pivots, and creative versatility to capitalize on your most recent data. But no matter what metrics you track, they should always be tied to and drive your business goals. Our job as a social media marketing company is to ensure you leverage our services for that reason alone.

What Our Social Media Marketing Agency Wants You to Know

When you partner with an experienced social media marketing company to deliver results, you’ll be ahead of competition who may be misinformed about how to leverage social media strategies.

Get ahead of your competition by understanding these five key pieces of advice from our organic social media team:

  1. Expertise is critical on social media. That’s why some brands stand out and others fail to garner attention or interest. We manage successful social media accounts for a wide variety of clients with very specific business needs.
  2. Our approach to your social media marketing is always a partnership. We take what we learn from you and synthesize your thoughts, insights, and perspective with our expertise to enhance your performance for the largest audience possible. We rely on you to provide compelling photos from your business’s daily operations and updates on special events you’re involved in to craft engaging posts that will drive your success on social platforms.
  3. During our monthly reporting calls, we look at social media metrics together. We report on where we’ve won big and where we can improve based on the ever-changing social media landscape. We are always looking to drive bigger numbers, even in areas where we’re already succeeding.

You can depend on our social media marketing company for a strategy that evolves with your industry, the market, and current best practices.

Although social media marketing services are just one part of a comprehensive marketing campaign, it’s a must-have for any business that wants to remain relevant in a social-media-heavy world.

Learn more about social media marketing for your business by scheduling a discovery call with iFocus Marketing today.

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